


义大利 IAPA Partner in Milan

China Time Zone:
联络人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 协理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
电话:+886-2-2717-0515 分机:110

文章目录 点击收合


时间:2022/09/18 drafted by Yvonne Chen


What are the categories of medical devices in Italy? What is its official name? What is the intensity of management of different categories? What is the governmental authority of medical devices? Website?
Evershine RD:
在义大利,卫生部 (MOH)是义大利医疗器材的监管机构。


  1. I 类:非无菌或不具有测量功能(低风险)
  2. I 类:无菌和具有测量功能(低/中风险)。
  3. IIa 级(中等风险)
  4. IIb 类(中/高风险)
  5. III 级(高风险)

In Italy, the Ministry of Health (MOH) is the regulatory agency for medical devices in Italy.
The EU divides medical devices into two categories:

  1. Medical device: refers to any instrument, device, appliance, software, implant, reagent, material or other item used for human beings for one or more specific medical purposes, either alone or in combination.
    .Diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, prediction, prognosis, treatment or alleviation of disease.
    .Diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, mitigation or compensation of injury or disability.
    .Investigation, replacement or modification of anatomical structures, physiological or pathological processes.
    .Applied to in vitro examinations of the human body, including organs, blood and tissues, and which cannot achieve their main intended role in or within the human body through pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, but can assist their functions through these medical devices.
  2. In vitro diagnostic medical equipment: refers to any medical equipment such as reagents, reagent products, calibrators, control materials, kits, instruments, equipment, equipment, software or systems, either alone or in combination, used to examine in vitro specimens from the human body. Includes blood and tissue.
    . Relating to a physiological or pathological process or condition
    . Related to congenital physical or mental disorders
    . Relating to a physical condition or predisposition to disease
    . Evaluation of safety and compatibility with potential recipients
    . Predict treatment response
    . Define or monitor treatments

Risk level from low to high:

  1. Class I: non-sterile or not capable of measurement (low risk)
  2. Class I: Sterile and measuring function (low/medium risk).
  3. Class IIa (moderate risk)
  4. Class IIb (medium/high risk)
  5. Class III (high risk)



If a foreign company wants to sell medical devices in Italy, no matter if it sets up a 100% subsidiary or branch, does it need to obtain an approval from local health bureau before the company’s registration? If so, what are the requests? What are the required documents and application procedures? Website?
Evershine RD:
No business license.


Evershine RD:
No business license.

外国公司要到义大利销售医疗器材,可以指派义大利公司担任营业代理人销售吗? 担任营业代理人,其必要条件是什么?所需文件及申请程序为何?外国公司与营业代理人的产品责任为何?网页?

If a foreign company wants to sell medical devices in Italy, can it assign an Italy company to act as a business agent? What are the requests for acting as a business agent? What are the required documents and application procedures? What is the product liability of foreign companies and the business agents? Website?

Evershine RD:


  1. 卫生部(MOH)依产品安全报告状况公告FSN(现场安全通知)通知製造商退出市场或採取其他因应措施。

The sales agent needs to be a legal company located in an EU country and part of the supply chain operating within the EU, and must ensure that the medical equipment complies with EU CE standards and assume the obligations of a distributor.

Product Safety

  1. When concerns about the safety of medical equipment products occur, health workers have the responsibility to report the safety incident to the Ministry of Health and write a report:
    . Place of incident
    . Information from paramedics who discovered the incident
    . Supervisor information
  2. The Ministry of Health (MOH) issues an FSN (Field Safety Notice) based on the product safety report status, notifying the manufacturer to withdraw from the market or take other response measures.




Do foreign companies need to apply for an approval before importing medical devices sold to Italy? If yes, which authority is in charge? What documents are required? What is the application process? Do medical devices packaging and labeling require prior approval? Which languages are allowed? Website?
Evershine RD:

.医疗器材命名法 (CND) 代码等
.产品类别证书: 欧盟型式检验证书、欧盟技术文件证书、 欧盟产品验证证书。
.品质等级证书:欧盟品质管理体系证书、欧盟品质保证证书、 欧盟生产品质保证证书。


  1. 所有包装和包装产品,无论是初级、二级或三级包装,都需要贴上标籤才能投放义大利市场。
  2. 医疗器材应附有 CE 标誌,并需在义大利卫生部资料库中註册。
    .CE 标誌应明显、清晰、不可磨灭地贴在器材或其无菌包装上。如果由于设备的性质而无法或不能保证黏贴,则应在包装上贴 CE 标誌。
    .CE 标誌应出现在任何使用说明和任何销售包装上。
    .CE 标誌应由以下形式的首字母CE组成:

.Class I:自我宣告
.Class IIa /Class IIb /Class III:须符合相对应之医疗器材指令,通过认证机构评鑑(Notified Body Conformity Assessment Procedure),取得CE证书。

Medical devices need to be registered on the EU website (EUDAMED) as a company in Italy or an EU member state, and the product must be registered in one of the EU member states. If the product has not been registered in an EU member state, the product must be registered with the Italian Ministry of Health (MOH). ) registration.

EU (EUDAMED) registration process

  1. Role registration (manufacturer/authorized representative/importer)
    . Company name/Applicant name
    . Contact number, email
    . Country, city, street, postal code, etc.
  2. UDI/Device Registration
    . Manufacturer’s name, address
    . Risk level
    . Measurement function (yes/no)
    . Reusable surgical equipment (yes/no)
    . Active device (yes/no)
    . Identify device model
    . Technical documentation or certificate/declaration of conformity
    . Equipment Quantity
    . Unit of use
    . Clinical scale
    . Additional product description
    . Single use (yes/no)
    . Maximum number of reuses
    . Whether sterilization is required
    . Contains latex (yes/no)
    . CMR/endocrine disruptors
    . Severe warnings or contraindications
    .Medical Device Nomenclature (CND) codes, etc.
  3. Certificates and Notified Bodies
    .Product category certificates: EU type inspection certificate, EU technical document certificate, EU product verification certificate.
    .Quality grade certificate: EU Quality Management System Certificate, EU Quality Assurance Certificate, EU Production Quality Assurance Certificate.
  4. Clinical investigation and performance studies (under development)
  5. Warning and post-market surveillance (under development)
  6. Market supervision (under development)
  7. The license issued by the EU is valid for 5 years.


  1. Documents and labels must be in Italian.
  2. All packaging and packaging products, whether primary, secondary or tertiary packaging, need to be labeled before they can be placed on the Italian market.
  3. Medical devices should bear the CE mark and be registered in the database of the Italian Ministry of Health.
    .The CE mark should be clearly, clearly and indelibly affixed to the device or its sterile packaging. If adhesion is not possible or guaranteed due to the nature of the device, the CE marking should be affixed to the packaging.
    .The CE marking should appear on any instructions for use and on any sales packaging.
    .The CE mark shall consist of the initials CE in the following form:
    .If the CE marking is reduced or enlarged, the proportions given in the scale diagram above should be observed.
    .The various components of the CE mark should have essentially the same vertical dimensions, which should not be less than 5mm. For small devices, this minimum size may be waived.
  4. Medical devices that apply for CE certification based on their classification must include:
    .Class I: Self-declaration
    .Class IIa /Class IIb /Class III: Must comply with the corresponding medical device directives, pass the Notified Body Conformity Assessment Procedure, and obtain a CE certificate.




Can a foreign company apply for a product license by its own name? If yes, which authority is in charge? What documents are required? What is the application process? Do medical devices packaging and labeling require prior approval? Which languages are allowed?? Website?
Evershine RD:

.医疗器材命名法 (CND) 代码等
.产品类别证书: 欧盟型式检验证书、欧盟技术文件证书、 欧盟产品验证证书。
.品质等级证书:欧盟品质管理体系证书、欧盟品质保证证书、 欧盟生产品质保证证书。


  1. 所有包装和包装产品,无论是初级、二级或三级包装,都需要贴上标籤才能投放义大利市场。
  2. 医疗器材应附有 CE 标誌,并需在义大利卫生部资料库中註册。
    .CE 标誌应明显、清晰、不可磨灭地贴在器材或其无菌包装上。如果由于设备的性质而无法或不能保证黏贴,则应在包装上贴 CE 标誌。
    .CE 标誌应出现在任何使用说明和任何销售包装上。
    .CE 标誌应由以下形式的首字母CE组成:

.Class I:自我宣告
.Class IIa /Class IIb /Class III:须符合相对应之医疗器材指令,通过认证机构评鑑(Notified Body Conformity Assessment Procedure),取得CE证书。

No. Medical devices need to be registered on the EU website (EUDAMED) as a company in Italy or an EU member state, and the product must be registered in one of the EU member states. If the product has not been registered in an EU member state, the product must be registered with the Italian Ministry of Health (MOH). ) registration.

EU (EUDAMED) registration process

  1. Role registration (manufacturer/authorized representative/importer)
    . Company name/Applicant name
    . Contact number, email
    . Country, city, street, postal code, etc.
  2. UDI/Device Registration
    . Manufacturer’s name, address
    . Risk level
    . Measurement function (yes/no)
    . Reusable surgical equipment (yes/no)
    . Active device (yes/no)
    . Identify device model
    . Technical documentation or certificate/declaration of conformity
    . Equipment Quantity
    . Unit of use
    . Clinical scale
    . Additional product description
    . Single use (yes/no)
    . Maximum number of reuses
    . Whether sterilization is required
    . Contains latex (yes/no)
    . CMR/endocrine disruptors
    . Severe warnings or contraindications
    .Medical Device Nomenclature (CND) codes, etc.
  3. Certificates and Notified Bodies
    .Product category certificates: EU type inspection certificate, EU technical document certificate, EU product verification certificate.
    .Quality grade certificate: EU Quality Management System Certificate, EU Quality Assurance Certificate, EU Production Quality Assurance Certificate.
  4. Clinical investigation and performance studies (under development)
  5. Warning and post-market surveillance (under development)
  6. Market supervision (under development)
  7. The license issued by the EU is valid for 5 years.


  1. Documents and labels must be in Italian.
  2. All packaging and packaging products, whether primary, secondary or tertiary packaging, need to be labeled before they can be placed on the Italian market.
  3. Medical devices should bear the CE mark and be registered in the database of the Italian Ministry of Health.
    .The CE mark should be clearly, clearly and indelibly affixed to the device or its sterile packaging. If adhesion is not possible or guaranteed due to the nature of the device, the CE marking should be affixed to the packaging.
    .The CE marking should appear on any instructions for use and on any sales packaging.
    .The CE mark shall consist of the initials CE in the following form:
    .If the CE marking is reduced or enlarged, the proportions given in the scale diagram above should be observed.
    .The various components of the CE mark should have essentially the same vertical dimensions, which should not be less than 5mm. For small devices, this minimum size may be waived.
  4. Medical devices that apply for CE certification based on their classification must include:
    .Class I: Self-declaration
    .Class IIa /Class IIb /Class III: Must comply with the corresponding medical device directives, pass the Notified Body Conformity Assessment Procedure, and obtain a CE certificate.




What documents are required when importing approved medical devices into Italy? What is the procedure? Any preparation is required to submit to the Ministry of Health and Welfare for selling products? Website?
Evershine RD:
1.海事、航空和边境卫生办公室 (USMAF)作为卫生部的外围办公室,监测从非欧盟国家进口的医疗器材活动,如果通过就会颁发进口卫生授权(NOS) 。
3.监控活动以最终签发进口准入令、健康许可 – NOS 结束,如果未能通过检查,则签发禁止进口令。
.营运商须使用线上 NSIS-USMAF 程式提出进口卫生授权请求。
.在特定的Nulla Osta 请求选单中,填写货物进口的 NOS 请求。
.填妥后将请求摘要发送给负责该地区的 USMAF-SASN 地区部门。
.根据现行立法,NOS 放行申请随附的文件会有所不同,具体取决于您打算进口的货物或产品的类型。



  1. The Office of Maritime, Aviation and Border Health (USMAF), as a peripheral office of the Ministry of Health, monitors the import of medical equipment from non-EU countries and issues an import health authorization (NOS) if passed.
  2. Monitoring activities are carried out through three levels of verification (document, identity, material) to determine whether products involving health benefits comply with the requirements and regulations established by national and community regulations.
  3. The monitoring activity ends with the final issuance of an import access order, health clearance – NOS and, if inspection fails, an import ban order.
  4. Applicant: Importer or its legal agent.
  5. How to apply
    .Pay in person
    .Online (https://nsis.sanita.it/ACCN/accessportalnsis/)
  6. Content
    .Operators must use the online NSIS-USMAF program to submit import health authorization requests.
    .In the specific Nulla Osta request form, fill in the NOS request for the import of goods.
    .Documents accompanying the goods must be added via the Attach Documents function, unless current legislation on the subject requires the provision of original documents.
    .Once completed, send a summary of the request to the USMAF-SASN regional unit responsible for that area.
    .Under current legislation, the documentation accompanying an NOS release application will vary depending on the type of goods or products you intend to import.

No sales notice.


义大利医疗器材审核机构,需要附上的实验室检验资料有哪些? 网页?

What are the laboratory inspection materials that need to be attached for verification? Website?
Evershine RD:
4.IIa、IIb 类器材,须根据指导文件指示,以代表性的方式抽样评估所选器材的技术文件。



  1. I 类(非无菌、非测量)需要符合上市后监控(PMS) 机制。
  2. 除 I 类(非无菌、非测量)以外的所有设备,需要实施品质管理体系(QMS) 。
  3. I 类到 IIb 类,需要一份技术文件,II 类/AIMD 设备为设计档案。
  4. IIa 类、IIb 类和 III 类器材的製造商应为每个器材准备一份定期安全更新报告(PSUR),并在与每个类别或器材组相关的情况下,总结后期分析的结果和结论。
  5. 欧洲办事处或授权代表的名称和地址放在使用说明、外包装或设备标籤上。
  6. 除 I 类(非无菌、非测量)以外的所有设备,其 QMS 和技术文件或设计档案皆必须由认证机构(欧洲当局认可的第三方审核医疗器材公司和产品)进行审核。

Quality management system

  1. Manufacturers must ensure that products comply with regulations throughout the equipment’s entire life cycle.
  2. All elements, requirements and regulations adopted by the quality management system are documented in an orderly manner in the form of quality manuals and written policies and procedures (such as quality plans, programs and reports).
  3. The manufacturer must submit an application for quality system assessment, and after the EU conducts an audit at the production site, the EU quality management system certificate will be awarded.
  4. For Class IIa and IIb equipment, the technical documents of the selected equipment must be evaluated in a representative manner according to the instructions of the guidance document.

Technical documents
Manufacturers must submit technical documents that they intend to put on the market or put into equipment, and obtain an EU technical document evaluation certificate issued by the EU, which contains two parts:

  1. Production quality assurance
    .The application of quality systems must ensure that products comply with regulatory requirements
    .All elements, requirements and regulations adopted by the manufacturer for the quality management system are systematically and orderly documented in the form of quality manuals and written policies and procedures (e.g. quality plans and reports).
  2. Product verification
    .Perform necessary inspections and tests to verify equipment complies with regulatory requirements.
    .Each device is individually inspected and submitted to appropriate physical and laboratory tests or equivalent tests and assessments as defined in the relevant harmonized standards to verify the device’s conformity.

CE marking specifications

  1. Class I (non-sterile, non-measurement) needs to comply with the post-market surveillance (PMS) mechanism.
    .Manufacturers should plan, establish, document, implement, maintain, and update a post-market surveillance system according to the device risk level and medical device classification to confirm the safety and efficacy of the product during its life cycle.
  2. All equipment except Class I (non-sterile, non-measurement) need to implement a quality management system (QMS).
    .Products can only be printed with the CE mark after obtaining certification documents. Manufacturers, agents or importers undergo inspections by internal product testing departments, or may invite external verification agencies to test products to implement quality management to ensure that mass-produced products meet the inspection-qualified samples.
  3. Class I to Class IIb require a technical document, and Class II/AIMD equipment requires a design file.
    .The name and address of the manufacturer or any authorized representative
    .A brief description of the product
    .Identification of the product, such as the product’s serial number
    .Names and addresses of facilities involved in product design and manufacturing
    .The name and address of any notified body involved in assessing the conformity of the product
    .Statement on the conformity assessment procedures that have been followed
    .EU Declaration of Conformity
    .Labels and instructions for use
    .Statement of relevant regulations that the product complies with
    .Identify the technical standards to which compliance is claimed
    .Parts List
    .Test results
  4. Manufacturers of Class IIa, IIb and III equipment should prepare a Periodic Safety Update Report (PSUR) for each equipment and, as relevant to each category or equipment group, summarize the results of subsequent analyzes and in conclusion.
  5. The name and address of the European office or authorized representative is placed on the instructions for use, outer packaging or device label.
  6. For all devices except Class I (non-sterile, non-measuring), their QMS and technical documentation or design files must be audited by a certification body (a third-party audit of medical device companies and products recognized by European authorities).
  7. Certification





After a foreign subsidiary imports medical devices and entrusts a distributor in Italy to sell it, does the distributor need a medical devices business license? What are the respective responsibilities of foreign subsidiaries and distributors if cosmetic products have quality defects? Is it joint liability? Or can the responsibility of the foreign subsidiary be regulated?

Evershine RD:







2. 卫生部(MOH)依产品安全报告状况公告FSN(现场安全通知)通知製造商退出市场或採取其他因应措施。

No business license.

Product Safety

1. When concerns about the safety of medical equipment products occur, health workers have the responsibility to report the safety incident to the Ministry of Health and write a report:

. Place of incident

. Information from paramedics who discovered the incident

. Supervisor information

2. The Ministry of Health (MOH) issues an FSN (Field Safety Notice) based on the product safety report status, notifying the manufacturer to withdraw from the market or take other response measures.




※备註 (Eevershin内部参考)





Milan time zone:
义大利 IAPA Partner in Milan

China Time Zone:
联络人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 协理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
电话:+886-2-2717-0515 分机:110

所长 Principal Partner:
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Mobile:+886-933920199 in Taipei;
Wechat ID: evershiinecpa ;
Line ID:evershinecpa;
Skype:daleccchen ;
Linkedin Address:  Dale Chen Linkedin

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